Monday, March 16, 2009

January 2009

This post (originally posted early February 2009) was accidently deleted and is being reposted.

Boston Winter Conference
The theme on this year's Boston Winter Conference was Kingdom Come.  The speakers and worship were fabulous, but for me the highlight of the conference was a lunch with several students and couple of other staff members from New York City, talking about how they were enjoying the conference.  Many Christian students in NYC often feel discouraged and isolated because the city can seem so spiritually dark.  Conferences like BWC where there are hundreds of young Christians having fellowship together are a source of much encouragement and pump them up for the upcoming semester.  It was great to hear about what they were learning and how they were planning on applying it to their lives.

Staff Evangelism Day
Once a month, the staff team breaks into groups to visit a handful of campuses around the city to do evangelism.  This month my group went to the Fashion Institute of Technology.  We did a survey about life and spirituality called Soularium, developed a few years ago by some arts students on a NYC summer project.  The 5 questions are answered using images rather than cold answers.  The first people we approached were two girls in their second year at FIT.  When we completed the surey, we asked them if they would like to hear more about they could know God in a personal way.  We shared the gospel with them, and one of the girls, Emily, indicated that she was really interested in talking more about Jesus, and asked if she could come to a Campus Fellowship meeting!  Praise God that He is moving at FIT!  (For more information and to see what the survey looks like, visit

Coming up this semester
This semester is going to be exciting.  The students at both Wagner and Marist will be participating in the 30-hour famine.  The girls at Wagner have invited Hillel (the Jewish student club) to join them, and it looks like they will!  Praise God!  The Wagner Christian Fellowship is also hosting some events to reach the men on campus.  One will be a video game party, and the other will be a new breakfast small group for athletes and early birds.

Conversations with people like Emily at FIT are refreshing reminders that students in NYC are hungry for God.  Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry!  You play a significant role in advancing the kingdom of God in a crucial and amazing city.

Grace and peace to you,

Prayer Requests
* Praise God for the success of Boston Winter Conference
* Praise for a great conversation with Emily at FIT
* Pray that Emily will go to the Campus Christian Fellowship meeting and come to know the Lord
* Pray for the 30-hour Famine, that it would be a powerful time of prayer and fasting for the students
* Pray that Hillel will join the Wagner Christian Fellowship in the 30-hour famine, and that great conversations and a strong relationship would be the result
* Pray that there will be a bunch of interest in the new morning small group at Wagner

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